After acting in a popular comedy serial Meri Bassai, Rajesh Hamal has decided to act in another popular comedy serial, Tito Satay. Deepak Raj Giri and Deepa Shree Niraula's satirical comedy show has been one of the most popular comedy serial in Nepal Television for the last few years.
The episode featuring Rajesh will be special in a sense that it will be shot in UK and Nepal. The Tito Satya team is heading for UK on Chaitra 28 with Rajesh Hamal. The 3-episode serial will be based on the story of Nepali artists leaving country and living in foreign land.
In the past Deepak Raj Giri had featured other big-screen actors like Bhuwan KC, Raj Ballav Koirala, and Keki Adhikari. The episode featuring Raj Ballav Koirala is yet to be aired.